Defensive tactics training for our police recruit members

Some Defensive Tactics Fun and Games

What a great way to finish up in 2015.

Here’s a summary of something the aspects of Victoria Police Academy Recruit Training that we touched on in the session.

Video Summary 

00:03 – Vehicle Intercepts
One of the most common functions for police officers is to stop motor vehicles and speak to drivers. Most often than not it’s because the driver has committed an offence of some kind, whether it be speeding, not wearing a seat belt or using a mobile phone whilst driving. Whilst common it can also be one of the most dangerous things for police officers to do for a variety of reasons discussed and demonstrated in this part of the session.

00:17 – Defensive Tactics
This section covered a range of tactics from escort holds to different stances as well as defending strikes and other attacks.

00:52 – Handcuffing Apparently Cooperative Persons
There are a number of steps in the procedure for safely handcuffing a person who appears to be cooperating and in this part of the session, we learnt those steps and put them into practice with our partners, who for the most part, were cooperative 🙂

01:06 – Defending From The Ground
In the unfortunate situation where a police officer may trip or be knocked to the ground there are some important considerations to ensuring we don’t make a bad situation worse. We practised techniques for getting back to our feet safely and continue to ‘deal’ with the offender.

01:50 – Avoiding Blunt Weapon Strikes
Deflecting strikes and getting distance as quickly as possible is in order when attacked. It is when the officer has some distance that his/her time increasing and therefore his/her options improve. Using equipment such as OC spray is a better option for officers trying to go ‘toe to toe’ with an aggressive offender.

02:01 – Un-cooperative Handcuffing
Sometimes people won’t cooperate and in these cases, a different process is in order to control the offender and subsequently handcuff them. In this section, we looked at the ‘three-point hold’ technique and gave it some practice.

That was the end of 2015, but, we’re back and looking forward to helping as many as our members as possible to achieve their dream of joining Victoria Police in 2016!

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